Jupiter 2022 in Pisces for You.
So many insights are possible this next year, as Jupiter is compelling you to learn and connect with the highest teachings, and the highest good.
It is time to know your true nature as an embodied spirit and a transcendent being.
You are meant to know this truthful wisdom, so you can elevate, know your true Self and help others to know theirs as well.
Vedic Astrology – Measuring your Perception of Reality
“Your perception of reality reflects who you are, not what reality is.”
Who are you? What are you perceiving?
Who Are You?
Just enter your data as shown below, then drag it onto a desktop or take a picture with your phone. 
Reality is a Dream
We now understand that what we call “reality” is just a projection of our own mind and consciousness onto life situations. Of course, there are empirical facts that exist. The earth is revolving around the sun, it rotates once on its axis, which we call a day. But empirical facts are not what we refer to as reality.

In this context, reality means what we think is really happening in our life. What is really happening in your relationships? What is the real reason why you’re not succeeding in your career? Is that thing you’re scared of that scary at all, or just a projection of your imagined fears, based on your past conditioning?
Awakening From the Dream - Your Own Reality?
In this context, you are living in your own reality. You might even say every person is living in their own dream world, that they are projecting onto a very neutral canvas of life. We are all a work of art, a work of God’s art. And we could look at our life as a painting, even as a masterpiece, especially when viewed from a third-person perspective. But it certainly doesn’t feel like that from day to day. No, day today we find ourselves grinding through the same struggles, I’ll be it a little different version, as we have our whole lives. Of course, we are making progress, but usually progress comes after pain and suffering.

Vedic astrology is the best tool I’ve ever seen for understanding yourself as the perceiver. Looking at the Vedic astrology chart you are seeing the consciousness projected out from within the person. That moment of incarnation is a culmination of lifetimes of karma, and shows unalterable physical, mental, emotional and spiritual constructs within the person.
Vedic Astrology Chart with Static and Dynamic Factors
Karma Fixed? – Vedic Astrology says “no”
That arrangement of energy is fixed at birth. That doesn’t mean every activity is fixed and every response to every life situation is fixed. No, of course not. In fact, we are all here to respond with clarity and presence to every unique moment. The karma seen in the birth chart shows the nature of our projections onto these life experiences, both large and small. It both shows the aggregate of your energy, and the specific moments that are being developed in you at any given time – based on the current dasas and transits.
Vedic astrology is both complicated and simple. From the outside looking in, as a potential student for example, it looks extremely complicated. But this is mostly because you are complicating it. Of course there is a lot to learn, but as I said it is essentially quite simple. It is simply organizing and arranging all of these life forces into living, universal frameworks. These are the same frameworks that lead to peace and stillness when you practice yoga or eat healthy, etc but instead of applying them to moving your body or your diet, you are applying them to the living forces of consciousness.
You Can Learn Vedic Astrology
Years ago I realized that Vedic astrology was being massively overcomplicated in the way it was being taught. This is mainly because teachers did not have a system in place. Instead, it was thought that someone needed to be “gifted” in order to understand and practice astrology. But again, that is not really the case. Vedic astrology is like any other subject that you can learn, if you go to a college and want to learn it. At least I know it is for those who study with me, because I have broken it down and dedicate most of my time to teaching students, who are interested, how it works and how to practice it and actually do readings and help people.
(c) 2022 Vedic Art and Science